Tuesday, 27 September 2016


JOHN CHP 11:17-45

People carry different things, like sickness, poverty etc. but what you are carrying as a believer of Jesus Christ is a solution because Jesus lives in you. You need to know that because of whom you are people must not love you, you are operating in the spiritual place of God. You don't live like every other person, you don't talk like every other person. But when you talk as a believer people begin to wonder where you are coming from like the case of Nicodemus when he saw Jesus, he saw him different from others because Jesus was a solution carrier. Immediately Jesus entered into the place where Lazarus was laid the whole atmosphere changed because the solution carrier was around. Is an error for you as a believer to think that when you arrive thing's cant happen because you carry what it takes to make things happen, you are a solution carrier wherever you find yourself as a believer you are the one holy spirit is expecting to make things happen. You are the one everyone is looking up to  Luke 7:10-15. Jesus told the woman weep not in vs 13b. that will be your statement to people outside there in the name of Jesus Amen. When you carry eternity, nature will realize that something is happening. You must keep telling yourself that you are a solution carrier because you are carrying what an unbeliever is not carrying. You are an ambassador of Christ, i.e you are representing God here on earth as a believer.


1. You are fully endorsed by Christ to do his work here on earth.
2. It means that the trinity is living in you. God the father, son and the holy spirit. That is the privilege we have that people like Moses, prophet Elijah don't have in their time.


1. Recognize Jesus as your personal lord and Savior. Nicodemus  recognize Jesus but did not accept him. The holy spirit is speaking to someone reading this write up if you have recognize Jesus and you have not accepted him this is an opportunity to accept him now. Because when you accept him you are giving glory to him.

2. You must be a carrier of the holy ghost. If you don't carry the holy ghost you can't do anything, you can't make anything happen. You must have the holy ghost in you to be a solution carrier here on earth. Romans 8:11. If you are carrying the spirit of God it's impossible for you to carry a stranger inside of you because your body is influence by the holy ghost. Romans 8:26-27.

3. Be a word addict: Let the word of God be part of you whatever the word of God says, is what you are. Trying to accept what people are saying concerning your life is irrelevant.

4. There is need for you to activate what God has deposited in you for you to be a solution carrier. John chp 5 vs 1-4. there was  need for that pool to be stirred at that time. The pool in this bible passage is talking about us while the angel that comes to stir the pool is the spirit of God so we need to build our self in the place of the word and prayer. 2 timothy 2:3       

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