Monday, 23 January 2017


W- WINSOME PROV. 31:11 Says the heart of her husband trusts in her. She wins everybody's heart especially her husbands's and that is because of her good attitude, she is not slothful, careless, wasteful, she is hardworking and manages her home well, she is not frugal to the extent that her efforts brings gains to her family. O- OBEDIENT Because she obeys her husband, everyone praises her. Prov. 31:28 (her children call her blessed and her husband praise her). M- MINDFUL She is mindful of the fact that it is her responsibility to take care of her household, siblings, in-laws etc. Prov. 31:13-16. Confirms that she is an early riser (she works willingly with her hands, always willing to get her hands dirty, because she understands that it is her duty to ensure her family is well fed). A- ACCOMMODATING She accommodates all and sundry Prov.31:20 (she is very hospitable). she stretches her hands to the poor and needy. N- NATURE She is a care giver. The above five characteristics is a typical nature of Ruth. Ruth was a woman that is complete in his fullness. 1. She fears God. Prov. 31:30 beauty is vain but a woman who fears God shall be praised. Ruth 1:16-18 2. Hardworking- prov.31:13-18, Ruth2:1 and 7 3. Obedient and commitment Deut. 6:5 Ruth 3:3-6. all that thou sayest unto me, i will do. her obedience and commitment was heard all over the city that Boaz in Ruth 3:11 testified that all people in the city know that Ruth is a virtuous woman (complete woman). Finally she was found to be: 4. Praise worthy Ruth 2:11, Ruth3:11, Ruth4:15 In conclusion, if you want to be complete in his fullness be an obedient and humble woman in total submission to her husband in the fear of God