Friday 20 January 2017


PASTOR PAUL ENECHE IN ONE OF HIS BOOK ONCE TAUGHT US THIS: MATHEW 15:8-9 Authentic worship is very important in order to access the presence of God. The anchor Scripture makes us understand that it is possible to offer vain worship; What then is Vain worship? It is the worship that is useless and empty and produces no result. This means that worship or praise is beyond just singing. On the other hand, worship can also be authentic. It is important for us to know what makes praise authentic. Authentic worship or praise is beyond singing; the quality of the voice is not as important as the state of the life that is offering the worship. The meaning is that God sees your heart before he hears your voice. There are deep worshippers of God who do not know the difference between alto, tenor and soprano and bass and there are singers of alto, tenor, and soprano who don't know what worship is. What is so important to God is not musical ability, theatrical ability or ability to dance, jump, sing or clap but the state of our heart with him. What then makes worship authentic and productive? One of them is SOLID CHARACTER. Characterless worship is useless worship. Isiah 43:21 said these people have i formed myself, they shall show forth, not 'sing' forth. so, what your life shows is a higher worship than what your mouth sings. Your character is either bringing God glory or shame. God is interested in whether your life is acceptable before your worship can be acceptable to him. for instance, if somebody serves you food in a plate, you will be interested in the neatness of both the person and the plate in which the food is served. When you offer God worship, He would want to know the kind of vessel that is producing that worship. Authentic praise must come from a solid character because an unrepentant sinner dancing in church is not different from somebody who is dancing in a disco hall. Beloved, watch your character so you can offer quality worship to God. Remember this: God sees your heart before he hears your voice.