Thursday, 2 February 2017



Prayer is a communication between you and God in order to establish the will of God in your life, situation and society. Prayer is not just talking to God. Prayer is talking with God in order to effect his purpose on the earth. This means every prayer must receive an answer from God. You don't just talk to God, He also communicate with you. Psalm 99:6-8.

There is power available to the praying student and also through prayers you can establish God's will in your academics. God is waiting for students to pray.  Students are the ones facing the challenges; Students, we must pray now because some issues we are facing are not just physical but spiritually manipulated. Sadly to say, not many students are driven to prayers as a result of these evils. We must wake up to pray for God. I challenge you to shake the fallow ground of your school and let righteousness rain upon it.

One area I urge all students to pray about is their school calendar. Many students, apart from personal problems, have stayed in schools longer than when they ought to graduate. External and internal strikes have made many students over stayed their years in school. James 5:16 God will never change what you have not prayed through on your knees. There is a song that says Prayer is the key, prayer is the key, prayer is the master key Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer, prayer is the master key. Prayer is the master key to every situation in your Academics. I believe it is ungodly to be strong in prayers and be lazy in your studies as a student. We need to study well as student as we also pray. We shall excell in our academic in Jesus name.