Friday, 18 November 2016


1 Corinthians 11:23-30

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 11:26 '' for as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the lord's death till he come." Christians eat bread and drink wine to remember Jesus death. The holy Communion is also referred to as the Lord's supper. Our Lord Jesus Christ instituted it shortly before his death. he commanded all Christians to gather together regularly to share the bread and wine till he comes back again. The bread represents the body of Jesus and the wine the blood of Jesus. The Holy Communion must be taken in righteousness. The very first Holy Communion was served by the Lord Jesus Christ. This took place during his last evening with his disciples.

What can wash away your sin is the blood of Jesus.
What can give you hope and peace is the blood of Jesus.
What can secure you is the blood of Jesus.
What can hide you from your enemies is the blood of Jesus.
What can heal you no matter the name of the sickness is the blood of Jesus.
Whatever the blood of Jesus can not do no other blood can do it.

The blood of Jesus is a strong weapon to fight the enemy if only you believe the blood of Jesus will work for you.


Thursday, 17 November 2016



1. Father, circumcised the heart of my children to have uncommon love for you in Jesus name.
2. Lord replace every stony heart in my children with the heart of flesh in Jesus name.
3. Father, create in my children clean heart that will make them lose appetite for sin in Jesus name. Psalm       51:10
4. Right spirits that will make my children have hatred for ungodliness enter my children. psalm 51:10
5. My children will make Jesus their choice in Jesus name.
6. My children will love the lord and serve him in Jesus name.
7. There is divine love of God among my children in Jesus name.
8. My children will never be heartless in Jesus name.
9. My children will not abandoned me at old age in Jesus name.
10. Spirit of hatred that makes children neglect parents at old age will not enter my children in Jesus name.
11. My children will love me at old age and will not give me a shameful name (like witch) in Jesus name.
12. I rebuke the spirit of selfishness and self centredness in my children in Jesus name.
13. All my children will not disappoint God in Jesus name.
14. My children will not disappoint me in Jesus name.
15. Father, let all my children be greater than me in Jesus name.
16. Spirit of holiness locate the heart of my children.
17.My children will make heaven in Jesus name.
18. Lord, release upon my children power to prosper in Jesus name.
19. Father lead my children into the path of success in Jesus name.
20. My children receive instructions for prosperity in Jesus name.  

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Romans chp 8 vs 1-20

WHAT IS BORN AGAIN? Born again is not the confession of sin rather is the confession of Christ.
The word confession some people are seeing it in a negative side. The word confession means Homology, that is speaking the same thing in consent, saying what God has said about you it doesn't mean confessing negative things.  But it has been used negatively and because of that it has projected  a negative mind set in the mind of so many when they hear the word confession. As a born again child of God you don't confess your sin to any man. that is why the bible tells us the Just shall live by faith you don't need to go to any man to confess your sin. Salvation does not mean confession of sin.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you[a]free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh,[b] God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.[c] And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. The reason there is no judgement because you are in Christ  why because he was judged for us because he was judged for us therefore there is now no judgement of any kind to them that are in Christ Jesus. Every born again child of God will make it to heaven. It is appointed unto man to die once after that is judgement. To the believers Jesus was judged for us. The unbeliever that don't know Christ as he is closing his eyes straight away is hell. When you don't know your identity in Christ the world will define your identity for you. Now we have different kind of false prophets. As a born again believer what we need now is the sound doctrine  because no false prophet can preach the message of Grace all you hear them preach is condemnation to enrich their pocket. Only what they can minister is the message of law of Moses. lets not be deceived by all these fake prophets lets stand firm to our faith. Many has been deceived in the body of Christ. As a believer of Jesus Christ lets study our bible at all times to know who we are in Christ if you don't understand Grace and Riteousness you will fall victim. You can't call yourself a child of God when you don't know the word of God not this time. If  Jesus can't do without the word of God  what about you. When you are empty in the word of God the devil will deal with you. Get the knowledge of the word of God when a false prophet is talking you will know. When you walk in the spirit you believe whatever the word tells you irrespective of what your flesh or mind is telling you, because your feeling will want to contradict the word of God. The miracle you need is in the word of God any thing you need is in the word of God. The word of God is the answer. If you feel the word of God can't answer all your problem you can join them. 1John 5:11 He that have the son has eternal life. Your salvation does not base on, you are a nice man but base on did you believe in Jesus? if you have not given your life to Jesus he is calling you today to confess Jesus as your personal lord and Savior.

Monday, 14 November 2016


The blood of Jesus is a great weapon of protection over our lives against the Arch enemy, Satan and all his cohorts. The blood of Jesus shield us as we engage in spiritual warfare, against forces darkness. The blood of Jesus Cleanses us from all sins 1 John 1: 7-9. The blood of Jesus demobilizes the enemy, blinds their eyes and makes us invisible to them. The blood of Jesus sanctifies us. The blood of Jesus makes way for access to God's presence. The blood of Jesus serves as a guarantee of God's eternal covenant. The blood can do alot in our lives the question is how many times do you use the blood of Jesus as your weapon? you see some people instead of using the blood of Jesus as there weapon they use the name of their father or mother as their warfare weapon. Believers should know the power in the blood. Hebrew 13:12 says  And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood.   Rev. 12:11 says    They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.  What the blood of goat and bulls cannot do the Blood of Jesus has done it better for you.
Hebrew 13:20. 1 John 2:1-2.



The church, that is, the congregation of all born again believers  is the Bride of Jesus Christ Eph 5:25. Almost invariably, when a man chooses a bride, he chooses someone who is closest to him in manners, attributes, aspirations, and ways of doing things because only birds of the same feathers flock together. Amos 3:3. The lord Jesus Christ is holy, spotless and without blemish, hence, his bride must be without spot or wrinkle too.


1. To be spotless, believers must understand fully the will of God for their lives.
2. Their mouths should be filled with praises unto God always.
3. Believers should submit themselves to Christ.
4. Believers must be wash and be cleansed in the word of God.
5. They must love the lord.

Christians must be and remain spotless for the following reasons:
1. He/she is a child of God. John 1:12
2. He or She is a bride of Christ. Eph. 5:29-30
3. Nothing unholy will enter into heaven where the weeding between Christ and his bride will take place.
4. God our Father is perfect and spotless. He commands us too to be perfect. Matt. 5:48
5. Believers are part of Christ and they must remain spotless. Ephesians 5:29-30

1. Believers must be spotless in all things.
2. They must be spotless in words. James 3:2
3. Their words must be YES for YES and NO for No
4. Liars are murderers and sorcerers who are hell bound. REV. 21:8